Educational activity

Educational activity


candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, associate professor,
the responsible person for the educational activity of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry of the National University of Pharmacy

The implementation of the main principles and tasks of the education of higher education applicants is carried out in the following priority directions:

National and patriotic upbringing

  • formation of national consciousness and responsibility for the fate of Ukraine;
  • education of love for the native land, its history, restoration and preservation of historical memory;
  • cultivation of the best features of the Ukrainian mentality (industriousness, individual freedom, deep connection with nature, etc.);
  • fostering a careful attitude to the country’s national wealth, language, culture, and traditions.

Legal education

  • instilling respect for human and citizen rights and freedoms;
  • fostering respect for the Constitution, laws of Ukraine, state symbols of Ukraine;
  • education of civic duty to Ukraine, society;
  • formation of the political and legal culture of the individual;
  • involvement of student youth in participation in charitable actions and development of the volunteer movement.

Moral education

  • formation of a sense of self-worth, honor, freedom, equality, diligence, self-discipline;
  • formation of the moral culture of the individual, assimilation of moral norms, principles, categories, ideals of society at the level of one’s own beliefs;
  • formation of the ethics of interethnic relations and the culture of interethnic relations.


Environmental education

  • formation of the foundations of global ecological thinking and ecological culture;
  • mastering the knowledge and practical skills of rational nature management;
  • fostering a sense of responsibility for nature as national wealth;
  • fostering readiness for active environmental and nature protection activities.


Aesthetic education

  • development of aesthetic needs and feelings, artistic abilities and creative activity;
  • formation of aesthetic views and tastes in young people, which are based on Ukrainian folk traditions and the best heritage of world culture;
  • development of skills to increase the cultural and artistic assets of the people, to feel and reproduce the beautiful in everyday life.


Labor education

  • formation of an individual who consciously and creatively approaches work in the conditions of a market economy;
  • formation of a sense of ownership and economic responsibility;
  • development of skills to work independently and effectively.


Physical education and formation of a healthy lifestyle

  • fostering a responsible attitude to one’s own health, a healthy lifestyle;
  • formation of knowledge and skills of physical culture in human life;
  • ensuring full physical development of students;
  • physical, spiritual and mental hardening;
  • forming the need for safe behavior, counteracting and preventing negative habits, disease prevention;
  • creation of conditions for active recreation of students.


Note. The photos presented on the page are borrowed from the photo archives of the National University of Pharmacy and the departments of the university. The rest of the images are publicly available on the Internet.